
Stagecraft Projects

UIL One Act Play 1′ cube.pdf 

This is a simple stool that is made of 3/4″ pine lumber.
It is glued and stapled together.

1' cube

6′ scenery jack.pdf   

A scenery jack holds up a flat from the back.
It is constructed from 3/4″ pine lumber and held together with 1/4″ fir plywood that is glued and stapled onto the lumber to hold them in place.

6' scenery jack

4′ x 8′ hard flat.pdf   

We also build “hard flats” some call them, Hollywood flats.
These are built with 3/4″ pine lumber “on edge”. The lumber is glued and stapled together. Then, 1/4″ lauan is glued and stapled to the face. We will sometimes cover these with heavy weight muslin, wrapping the muslin around the to the back and stapling the edges to the inside of the frame.

Flat 4x8 hard
saw horse 3'

3′ saw horse.pdf   

Scene Shop Equipment
Theatre Floorplans & Centerline Sections & Light Plots